Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Do It Now

Do you ever hear these words come out of your mouth?
I shoulda, I coulda, I woulda, I otta ……

I want to look at what you are doing when you say these words over and over to yourself or even to others.

I shoulda….. is nothing more than beating yourself up over something that has not been done. I want you to stop this.

I coulda ….. is usually follow by an "if" or a "but"; this is just another form of making excuses for something you did not do.

I woulda….. is also followed by a but and this time it is out and out whining and placing the blame for you inaction on someone else.

Then we have, I otta…. Anytime you hear these words come out of your mouth it is a sign for you to get up off your Franny and "Do it NOW!"

The bottom line here is we can beat ourselves up, make excuses and whine but the job still needs to be done. Stop this and get on with life. If we would stop procrastinating and allowing our perfectionism to paralyze us then we will be one babystep closer to the peace you are looking for.

We all have choices. We can choose to waste time by beating on ourselves, making excuses, getting defensive or whining. In the end the job still has to be done and you are probably the only one who can do it to suit you anyway. You can bypass all the time wasting futile exercises by just Doing it Now!

It is time for you to quit shoulda, coulda, woulda on yourself and get up and Do it NOW!

Are you ready to FLY?
FlyLady (www.flylady.net)